Mental Performance, Motivation/Inspiration, Personal Growth




Unity on a worldwide scale may be impossible to achieve. I never like to use the word impossible, but to come together as one, requires much sacrifice, peace, love, and open mindedness. All four are elements that many people under value in their own lives. We expect to make gain, without giving anything up. Peace cannot thrive in a world where everyone is out to prove themselves. We respond to hate and negativity with more hate and negativity. Instead of showing love and compassion for them. We do not care about truth, only our need to be right. We as a universe may not be able to find unity because we are all so different and view the world through different lenses.

The divisive beliefs and prejudices of all people will continue to prevent us from coming together as a human race and banding as one. We are too busy judging people because their viewpoints or appearances are different than ours. We love to start drama and enjoy its fast spread. Arguing over trivial matters. Instead of working to discover our commonalities and find solutions to the problems we all face.

I believe that many humans want the world to be as good of a place as it possibly can. It may not be shown through the actions of others, but consciously or subconsciously, we all want good things. We all should want a peaceful and loving world. Throughout the course of human history though, we have never been able to achieve unity amongst all people. It seems like a near impossible task with the amount of conflict and lack of perspective we have going on. Unity sounds great in theory but in reality not so much.

I want to believe that unity can be achieved, but I have no proof to show myself that it is possible. World unity, if possible, will not happen anytime in the near future. Everyone living on this planet feels victimized in some way. It may take a force outside of us that is much greater and far more powerful to help us even come close to it. However, just because we cannot find world unity, does not mean we cannot find unity within ourselves.

The process of achieving world unity is very complex and there is no one right answer. The best thing we can do right now, is progress. In order to progress, we must find unity within ourselves. Once we find this unity in ourselves, we can help others find it within themselves. Unity brings peace and understanding. We cannot spread peace and understanding to others if it is not within us. Without unity there can be no peace. Without peace there can be no unity. We cannot be in unison with someone else, if we are not in unison with ourselves. Making a difference at scale, starts internally with yourself.

aerial photo of mountain at daytime
Without unity there can be no peace. Without peace there can be no unity.

Inner Peace and Unity

What I want to focus on is creating unity within ourselves. We cannot give what we do not have. An individual cannot live in a peaceful world if they are not peaceful themselves. Change is the result of the many small changes that each individual must make. Unlike world unity, we can’t blame our lack of completeness on someone else. It is on you to find inner unity. It is extremely difficult to influence someone else, especially if you are not right yourself.

Unity is a sensation that starts inside of us and manifests its way out into the world. World unity is idealistic, personal unity is very real and must be achieved if want to realize our full potential and live our highest quality of life. Unity with self is a personal issue that we have complete control over. We are bombarded with many influences and distractions. These things are designed to pull our unity apart and separate ourselves from within. We often times succumb to these influences and distractions and lack the ability to take an honest look at ourselves. We cannot see that we are not where we want to be because we have separation on the inside.

Inner unity is designed to lead to inner peace. Inner unity is about finding balance inside of us. Our mind, body, soul, and spirit. Aligning our mind, body, soul, and spirit makes us whole, and internally united. These four elements produce the most powerful forces of all. Forces that allow us to see outside of ourselves, find deeper meaning in life, and connect to a higher power.

I promise that so many people underestimate the power that they have inside of them. We weaken that power when distractions and negative influences take a hold of us. We have to understand that we have the power to rise above anything that is distracting us or preventing us from achieving unity or wholeness. I promise that the power from within is much greater. It is far more powerful than negativity and distractions. This power must be utilized in a smart and healthy manner to push through and overcome anything that is tearing us apart.

Distractions and negative influences build walls inside of us that prevent us from seeing around the corner, from seeing light at the end of the tunnel. Around the corner may be the peace, truth, perspective, optimism, or just a simple brighter day. The power inside of us helps break down those walls so we can truly know what is going on inside of us and in turn, be better on the outside.

woman sitting while doing yoga on rock viewing body of water during daytime
I promise that so many people underestimate the power that they have inside of them.

How inner unity is achieved:

I think there are multiple aspects to inner unity. I believe that unity, in its simplest form is oneness between the inside and outside. This means who you are on the inside is who you are on the outside and who you are in the outside is who you are on the inside. Do your actions match your words, and your words match your actions? This is the simplest definition I can give to you. I also believe that unity starts from within and then the external will soon follow. I remember what Stephen Covey said in “7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” about how all things are created twice. You have to be able to visualize something before it can come true in real life. If you lack a vision then you will not be able to achieve or sustain anything noteworthy.

How I see it is unity or oneness must be visualized internally and must be the foundation for what you want to happen externally. Everything starts and is created from within. In order to build outward and expand our influence, we must first develop what we want on the inside. We must visualize the person we want others to see and know. Visualization always comes before actualization.

I have already pointed out the proper balance to achieve unity. Inner unity is gained through the alignment of our mind, body, soul, and spirit. It is not always typical to hear four elements. You are probably used to hearing three – mind, body, and soul or mind, body, and spirit. I disagree that we can interchange soul and spirit. I believe that they are ,mutually exclusive and influence us in different ways. There is not enough individual attention given to the soul and spirit. I want to create awareness around them both as separate dynamics in achieving and eventually mastering inner unity.  

These four must be in balance and at their maximum effectiveness, for inner unity. You have to achieve mastery in these four areas if you truly want to be whole. You cannot skip one or work on one far more than the other. Unless you find you excel more in one area. All four have to be strong and in balance. Think of it as a pie. You take one of the slices away, and now you do not have a complete pie. You have the majority of the pie, but majority is not complete. It is also like trying to play connect 4 with 3 tokens and expecting to win. Inner unity at its best cannot be without all four in balance.

 I will go into depth on each of these four elements. They all work separately, have different functions, and influence us in different ways. The most important objective to understand is that when these four are synchronized and performing at their highest level, it creates more than inner unity, it creates synergy. Synergy from within is the force I have been referencing, when synergy is created, we push through any limitations placed on us. Synergy allows for the overall product (you) to be fully enhanced and allows you to reach new levels of peace, happiness, and clarity. Having peace, happiness, and clarity allow you to see outside yourself, find deeper meaning to life, and connect to higher powers. You may not be able to achieve these experiences without these four elements working together in unison.


The mind is probably the most talked about yet least understood. We hear about getting our mind right and putting our mind into a good place. What does this actually mean?

We have to take care of our mind like we take care of our body. Just like with our body, if we fail to exercise or eat a balanced diet, or get proper rest, we cannot expect our bodies to perform at its highest level or give us sustainable energy. We have to fill our minds with things that work to our benefit. We can do this through exercise, meditation, music, encouraging words, practicing gratefulness and understanding. If we do not train our minds to think positively, optimistically, then those thoughts will not come to us.

Negative and cynical thoughts come into our minds often times without permission. We may not invite them but they find their way in if we are not able to recognize them. We must train our mind. It is a slow grind that may be filled with frustrating times. It is important to remember that our path to mental freedom or happiness will not happen overnight.

Everything worth having is difficult and takes time. We all want instant gratification and immediate results. We don’t realize the amount of work it takes to achieve something of importance. The way we think is the only way to get the things we want. Our thoughts dominate our mind and guide our actions. We are what we think about. So if we think negatively and fill our minds with things that rob us of joy, peace, happiness, inspiration than we will never be able to get to a place to receive the things we want.

You cannot expect to receive something if you are not prepared for it. It starts with yourself. You have to think highly of yourself and expect good things to happen to you. It is a deliberate process but if you train the mind to think a certain way, your mind will eventually adapt and you will begin to see dramatic improvements in your life.

Ultimately achieving mind mastery is a simple process that takes hard work and commitment. Fill your mind with positive and encouraging thoughts. Think of what you want, put together a plan to get it, and train your mind to stay committed and positive through the whole thing. This way you will be ready to receive it when the time comes. Remember that what you think about is what you are. So if your thoughts do not match with who you want to become, then you must change the way you think.

When you stimulate your mind you stimulate your life. Dullness in the mind is one of the most powerful inhibitors of happiness and peace of mind. If your mind is dull and lethargic, so too will your energy. The best way to overcome this is by finding inspiration. Maybe it takes reading an inspirational quote or watching a inspirational video. This will certainly not be enough to sustain you, but gives you a good starting point. Inspiration is only meant to get you going. Discipline is what keeps you inspired. Stimulating the mind forces you to think critically. Critical thinking allows you to see things from various angles, and consider different possibilities. If your mind is active, you can start taking more action.


Understanding and taking care of the body is essential to achieving unity since it affects every other area. It starts with listening to your body. The body gives us many signals and messages and we often times misinterpret them. For many people, the body speaks a different language.

Let me provide some context. When we feel pain, we use it as an excuse to quit. Pain sparks a signal in our bodies and we misinterpret what that signal means. We register that signal that pain gives off, as an indicator that we have reached our limit, and it’s time for us to stop. Nonsense I tell you! I believe that pain is the only way we can know that we are getting stronger. Pain should be a signal to double down and push even harder. Pain is not telling us to stop, it is telling us to keep going. Soon that pain becomes gain.

It is no different than working out and lifting weights. When we are lifting a weight, you don’t stop at the first inkling of pain or resistance, that’s when you go you’re hardest because you know it’s making the muscle stronger. If you give up when you are first met with resistance physically, you will do the same thing mentally.

Another signal our body gives off that we misinterpret is joy. We feel joy once and expect it to last forever. We fail to get to the why. Why am I feeling so good? What events lead to this great feeling? Answering these questions helps us find the things that make us happy. Once we find it, we can replicate it so we can actively seek out joy instead of waiting for it to come to us. We have to adapt ourselves to the power the body possesses. The body will respond to us if we give it the proper respect and attention.

The reason why the US is so overweight is we do not respect our bodies. The output our body produces is completely predicated on the input. We have to exercise, eat well, and sleep. It sounds so simple yet we love to skip one, two or all of these things. Our bodies want to feel good and if we deny our bodies the opportunity to feel good, then the rest of our being is affected. Our mind cannot be sharp if we are lacking energy. Show your body respect, and it will respect you back. You have to put your body in motion. It could be something as simple as a 15 minute walk. In order to get mental energy, you must expend some physical energy. Exercise is the most optimal way to release endorphins. These endorphins help fight off anxious and depressive thoughts/moods. They keep our mind sharp.

religious stained glass
If your mind is active, you can start taking more action.


As I mentioned earlier, the spirt is often intertwined with the soul. I believe that they should be looked at independently. There are not huge differences, but subtle ones that are important to understand. I believe the soul is comprised of your character and your truths.

The soul has no tolerance for ego. Often time’s ego is a mask or disguise for a weak or hurt soul. I believe our soul is comprised of our true feelings, beliefs, and our set of principles that act as our guide. The soul represents the real us. Not the mask that others see. We don’t ever act out of character. We may think we do, but it is still us. A weak character is the result of a weak soul. When you have these out of character moments, it is really your soul acting out and you weren’t able to suppress it with your ego. Your ego tends to be opposite of your soul. The ego is used to cover up for insecurities and fears that are buried deep within the soul.

It is our ego that makes us do things we know are not right. Ego makes us believe things that are not true and distorts an accurate representation of who we are. One thing that the soul longs for is appreciation. Even if we don’t show it or don’t think we care about it, we all want it in some form. We find comfort in knowing that we are doing right. Reinforcement from others gives us the motivation we need to keep going. The only way we can get appreciation other than by our actions, is through showing appreciation. Our soul feels more satisfied through giving than receiving.

Our soul is what allows us to be down to earth and humble yet also allows us to strive for improvement and break down barriers. A great example of someone with a tremendous soul was Martin Luther King Jr. MLK was a humble man who wanted nothing more than equality and freedom for minorities. He was the voice for all people who had been victims of discrimination, oppression, and injustice. King didn’t want to hurt anybody physically or build his movement with the intention of personal gain. MLK didn’t have an ego or a want for fame, he only wanted change for the better. He knew that speaking his truths and doing what he felt was right was the only way he could pursue a new vision for America. The strength of his soul helped spark a new American revolution. We all know who MLK is so I am not here to tell his story. The soul of a man/woman is carried out through his/her actions.

Ultimately it is our soul that represents our true character. Our ego is used as a disguise to hide our poor character or inflate our sense of worthiness. To be right in the soul, is to remove the ego. Ego clouds our judgment and prevents us from being objective in our viewpoints. When you lie to yourself you are really lying to the soul. You must be honest with yourself and how you view others.

If you do not feed the soul, it will starve. To do this, you must become a lifelong learner. You must continue to expand your experiences which allows for expansion of your knowledge. This requires an open mind. You cannot have a good soul if you don’t truly know yourself. To truly know yourself you must be willing to try new ways of thinking or doing things. You cannot place limits on yourself. Experiences and gaining knowledge helps increase your self-awareness. Self-awareness helps deflate your ego. Without ego, you can start thinking and acting from your soul. You don’t need to be someone else when you truly know yourself.


Again, this is often associated with the soul but I believe it should stand alone. I define spirit as our energy, our vibe. Our attitude ultimately determines our energy. Not a physical energy, but a mental, emotional, and spiritual energy.

The energy we give off is the energy we attract. If you want to know about yourself, the easiest way to do so is by looking at your friends. You attracted them not just by who you are but the energy you give off. Nobody wants to be around someone who has bad energy. When we are in contact with someone who can match or even outpace our energy, our energy is lifted higher and synergy is created.

Synergy is when two forces combine into a force more powerful than each of the forces on their own. Think about a great orchestra. One member of the orchestra is not that powerful on his/her own. But when all the members of the orchestra play together, beautiful sound is created. The orchestra as a whole is much more powerful than any individual member. There can be no synergy without good energy on your part.

Bad energy from others will suck your energy dry. Our energy is reflected in our attitudes, our emotions, and our expressions, both verbal and non-verbal. Our attitude ultimately determines our emotions and expressions. Improving your attitude starts by changing your mind and the thoughts that dominate it. It is certainly not foolproof but you can often times see if someone is optimistic and has a good attitude just by looking at them.

If you constantly have a frown or bored look on your face, slouch over, have your head down, don’t look people in the eyes, and walk with your shoulders out in front of you, you are likely not going to attract other people to you. You are actually giving off a “stay away from me” vibe. If you have a positive attitude, it will reflect in your verbal and non-verbal expressions and body language. Good body language is a great way to express your good attitude without using words.

A warm spirit is induced through being open and inviting. One way to improve our spirit is through patience. Having patience is such a huge factor in the way we interact with others and our overall outlook/attitude. Patience is key in helping us work through problems, trusting our personal process to achieve our goals, and dealing with others. If we want others to show patience with us, then we must first be patient with others.

I also mentioned our vibe. I believe that our vibe is what others feel when they are around us. It is important for others to feel peace when they are around us. Balancing our mind, body, soul, and spirit is meant to bring us peace. A peaceful spirit is what allows others to feel our peace. We must have peace inside of us before it can be felt by others. Patience is the gateway drug to peace. Our peace comes from accepting who we are and not bounded by the judgement of others. When you have peace you are slow to react. In a way where you can take a step back and gather your thoughts in the face of hysteria. Instead of being prisoner to the immediate emotion.

Our spirit is also our will. Will power may be the strongest force of all. It overcompensates for deficiencies in other areas of our life. We may not be the strongest, fastest, tallest, and smartest but when will power is utilized in the right way, it is the great equalizer. We can be measured in so many different ways, but no one can ever measure our will. It is what allows us to keep pushing when we feel like we have reached the end. It’s what gets us back up when we have been knocked down.

It is also the strength that keeps us strong when we are weak. Our will helps us overcome fears and judgements and allows us to be who we want to be even if we are misunderstood for it. Our spirit is our driving force and our light in darkness. Spirit brings us closer to others and often times determines our quality of life.

If you want to develop a good spirit, you must develop a good attitude.


So what is the point of achieving inner unity?

It is for yourself. Finding unity gives you the opportunity to know yourself on the deepest and most personal level. When you are strong on the inside, you place no limitations on yourself. You are able to be your true self and unbothered by the criticisms of others.

Inner unity allows you to:

– Know how you think

– Know why you think the way you think

– Know what your true intentions, beliefs, and values are

– Know what you’re motivated by/What inspires you

– Know what gives you energy?Who gives you energy

– Know what takes away from your energy

– Know what brings you joy, peace, happiness

Theses are just a few of the things that inner unity brings light to. Knowing these things will allow you to live a more enjoyable life. I promise this. Having a strong connection on the inside allows us to know ourselves better which will lead us to living an overall more effective life.

The second reason to achieve unity is it will build integrity and character. How can we know what is wrong and right or what is good for us and bad for us if we are in conflict with ourselves? We cannot truly be honest with ourselves this way. Also, we cannot have an objective point of view if we not have a good understanding of who we are and what goes on inside of us. If your actions do not match your words or vice versa then you are revealing true character flaws. I mentioned how it takes away from your integrity but it will also damage your ethos. You will have no credibility if you cannot match your words with your actions and actions with words. People will have a difficult time earning your trust and the quality of your relationships will be negatively affected.

I believe one of the most important things about developing inner unity is finding your inner peace and happiness. I believe that finding our inner peace will help guide our day to day actions and put us on a path to achieve whatever we want in life. Our soul gets hungry and it is up to us to try and satisfy it. If nothing else, it will make you feel happier with yourself and your overall situation.

I believe that finding balance is the actual key to peace and happiness. We place limitations on ourselves and we choose to believe the limitations that are put on us by others. Only we can dictate who we are and what we feel on the inside. When we work to find balance in our mind, body, soul, and spirit we can achieve our full potential, live our highest quality of life, and begin the evolution of world unity.

The Rolling J / Jonathan McClure

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