Master the Mental Side of the Game

Player development is not just about helping an athlete improve their on-court skills. At 90 Percent Hoops, we believe in a holistic approach to player development by focusing on the mental development, or as we call it “The 90 Percent.” We help athletes and coaches achieve peak mental performance.

Learn about our products & services

Listen to our podcast The Becoming on Spotify


Why should you invest in basketball training?

Why should you invest in basketball training? The reason why you should invest in basketball training extends far beyond just

How to overcome nerves in basketball

Dealing with nerves in basketball is something all players and coaches alike have had to experience. At some point in

The science of the mental game in basketball

There are tons of resources out there for youth players to work on their basketball skills. You can go on

The growth mindset in basketball

Growth mindset has become a buzzword in society, where we hear a lot about it but don’t really understand what

Four questions to determine how a player should be developed

There is no one size fits all approach when it comes to player development. Every player is different, so the

5 must-haves for successful player development

Every player develops in different ways. The best way to develop a player is determined by many different factors such

What's included?


Content for players and coaches

90 Percent Hoops produces informative content to help players and coaches learn how to master the mental side of the game. Through video, graphics, audio, and written content we are here to provide you with motivation, knowledge, and insight to all aspects of the game.
Check us out on X (Twitter) @90percent_hoops.
Follow us on Instagram @90percenthoops.

Basketball Training

As part of our holistic player development approach, we offer basketball skills training. Our training is led by founder Jonathan McClure who has over 4 years of training youth basketball players. We focus on building the foundation of a player and teaching them the skills needed for basketball success.

eBooks and Courses

For a further dive into the mental side of the game, check out our products. We offer a digital course ``How to Build Real Confidence.`` Which is a course designed specifically to help basketball players increase their confidence both on and off the court. We also offer an eBook ``Starting the Self: The art of self-connection, reflection, and dissolving the ego.``


90 Percent Hoops provides knowledge and resources to basketball players, coaches, and trainers across all levels. Our goal is to help you master the mental side of the game and reach your highest potential both on and off the court. 

Our name “90 Percent Hoops” was derived from a cliche that many of us are probably familiar with. You may have heard that basketball or sports, in general, are “90 percent mental and 10 percent physical.” If sports are 90 percent mental, then why are their only resources for improving the physical side of the game?

We identified a problem that had few effective solutions. There is little information, knowledge, and resources that help players and coaches develop in the mental side of the game.

Here at 90 Percent Hoops, we believe that mental development is the single most important factor in player development. Our mission is to help players, teams/organizations, and leaders change the way player/team development is viewed. We believe that mindset development is the best way to help you, or your team be their best.