Mental Performance

The science of the mental game in basketball

The science of the mental game in basketball


There are tons of resources out there for youth players to work on their basketball skills. You can go on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter and find thousands upon thousands of drills and moves to work on. There are very few resources out there to help a player improve their mental game. Things like building confidence, responding to adversity, self-belief, mental toughness, or inner peace are much more difficult skills to develop. This is why 90 Percent Hoops focuses so much on the mental side of the game.

The data behind the mental game

One of our core fundamentals at 90 percent hoops is to improve the way you think and feel about yourself. Our goal is to boost your self-esteem, happiness, and overall attitude towards life. The development of the mindset is the most important part of development process. Even more important than learning how to dribble, perfecting your shooting form, or footwork in the post.

One of the biggest reasons why the mindset is so important is because being in a positive state of mind can also improve performance on the court. Being in a negative state of mind can cause an individual’s muscles to be tenser. Tense muscles can drain energy and tire an individual much quicker than an individual with relaxed muscles.

Being able to control your breath is a big part of maximizing performance. Controlling your breath can reduce stress, relieve muscle tension, enhance focus, and even lessen negative or distracting thoughts. Being in a negative state of mind can also induce difficulty breathing from balancing the need for oxygen with the stress that prevents the ability to take deep breaths.

Very few youth athletes are even aware that this data exists. Most coaches don’t have the time to deal with these issues, but they should be at the forefront. A player can have all the skills and abilities in the world, but they will be unable to perform their best if they are not in a good state of mind.

mental game

Learning how to deal with frustration

For everyone that has played or coached basketball, it is no secret that the game can lead to strong feelings of frustration. Frustration can be difficult to avoid, especially when things don’t go as expected, but it is a very damaging emotion. Frustration can lead to feelings of hopelessness and can even negatively affect motivation. It can also lead to self-doubt and feeling like you are not good enough. It can even cause you to doubt those around you. Frustration can tear teams apart. The last thing a coach wants is lack of trust between the players.

This is why we value the growth mindset so highly here at 90 Percent Hoops. As we know, the growth mindset allows us to learn from our challenges or setbacks instead of letting them negatively affect our minds. The growth mindset has no room for frustration, because it is always focused on how to get better. Frustration involves being upset with something that is happening or has already happened.

For more on the growth mindset, check out our latest blog:

Problem-solving is a big part of basketball. Players have to be problem-solvers on the court, while coaches have to be problem-solvers on the sidelines. They have to be able to quickly solve problems in real time. Being in a positive state of mind can enhance psychological performance which includes both focus and ability to solve problems. With the increased ability to focus and problem solve, an individual can be more present in the moment and fully immersed in the task at hand.

A poor state of mind (frustration, lack of confidence, negativity) can produce damaging effects on a player’s ability to execute and perform at their highest level.  These negative internal psychological factors can also cause physical disruption as well. This physical disruption includes muscle tightening and shaking, which can increase the likelihood of injury.



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“What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a basketball player.” – John Wooden.

We want to provide consultation to basketball coaches and teams to help them establish or improve their player development programs. We want to be a place where coaches, players, and really athletes of all kind come to receive tools, guidance, and support for their mindset development and mental health.

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